here’s some information to help us help you create the perfect gift and answer any questions you may have.


When you decide to submit a photo to JML Gifts, please consider the following things:
*Send the photo UN-CROPPED, we will remove as much of the background as we can but we need room to work and a cropped photo doesn’t usually result in a quality finished product.
*The quality of the photo matters, if the photo quality is poor our process will only accent that.  And the opposite will also be true, if it is a great quality photo, the finished product will be amazing!  
*Permission to use professional photos, when you submit a professional image to us, it is under the condition that you have the rights to that photo.  You release JML Gifts from any repercussions that may result of using a professional image without the rights to do so.  


This process allows us to design and create you project on a computer and the finished product is printed on to  paper and then set using a heat press.  All artwork, graphics and photos are permanent and will not crack or peel off over time.  

Notes on Color

We have represented print colors to the best of our ability, but color varies from monitor to monitor depending on calibration (and probably a whole host of other variables).

Custom Orders

Our site is full of samples, if you have something specific in mind please consider sending a custom order request.   We will do our best to create your special and one of a kind gift for you.  During heavy volume order months such as December we may not be able to accommodate those requests but will do our very best to work with you.

Finishing Touches

All of our ornaments, will be completed with either a white or red satin ribbon and a decorative bead.  And no matter the season, your ornament will arrive to you wrapped in cellophane and finished with a coordinating bow.  


JML Gifts offers a proof within 1-3 business days of your order submission, if you can kindly check your email and respond with any changes.  We do our very best to be sure that we don’t make a mistake, but of course we are human and this system helps to double check that.   We want to send your order to production and shipping as soon as possible so if you can respond to the proof as soon as possible that would be awesome!  Remember, the sooner you give us a thumbs up, the faster it goes out the door to you!

Order Changes

We want you to be happy with your purchase, if you want to make a change to your order please do so within 24 hours of the submission. OR if you want to make a change once you receive your proof, we will offer you one free design change.